New Player Quick Guide

First of all? take a deep breath. The code here can seem daunting at first glance but no player is expected to know more than a fraction of it at any time and new players are certainly not expected to master it all instantly. Also, please keep in mind that the code is set up to facilitate RP not to replace it, and players are free to negotiate outcomes between themselves should they wish to rather than rely on code to do so for them. Ie. If Jan and Joe are having a friendly bar brawl, should they agree they may pose fighting without using the combat code. There are some basics you will want to learn regardless though:

Where to start (aka: +sheet is your friend):

  • +sheet contains almost everything about your character.
  • +sheet/all will bring up your entire character sheet (Warning! Spammy)
  • +sheet/training will show you how close you are to gaining your next level in a given stat
  • +sheet/damage will show any damage or ailments your character suffers
  • +family <name> will indicate direct blood relations to a character
  • +combat indicates your combat status
  • "i" or Inv will list your character's inventory, here you can also see your current energy points, downtime points, attribute points and money
  • "L" or "look" will allow you to look at your character and see how they appear to others.

*Fun fact: If your character has been on the roster a long time you will most likely have very long hair as hair does grow over time. You can seek out someone with a knowledge of fashion for a quick trim or, if you have a grooming kit, do it yourself.

Skills & Attributes

Attributes range from 0 - 5 with 0 being completely inept and 5 being maximum human potential.

Skills range from 0 - 10 with 0 being completely untrained and 5 being the average professional.

In attributes 3 is considered average, with most characters having strengths and weaknesses ranging higher and lower than average.

In skills 4-6 is considered the level at which a character can make a normal professional living, thus if your character does not already have a 4 in a vocational skill this will be one of your first goals.

Both skills and attributes can be modified by drugs, drink, armor, injuries and a few other things. If a skill or attribute is currently being modified it will have a red () after its normal level to indicate what it is at present.


Theme, like code, takes some time to get accustomed to and absorb. Please feel free to ask questions both on Public channels and of other players should you find yourself uncertain about any thematic elements. Below is a quick cheat sheet of important themes in the game, more detailed information can be found by typing +Theme and there are guides on the wiki aimed at helping with each specific system.

Also, while the Su'ndari culture bares many similarities to various middle eastern cultures, it is not grounded in any historical basis and very much fictionalized to create the world of Drums in the Dark.

  • Su'ndari culture very much revolves around their love for new and exotic things. Social gatherings, personal appearance and novelty are important features of Su'ndari society.
  • Su'ndari society is very much egalitarian with women having almost identical legal rights and vocational choices to men with a few exceptions (Ie. Men cannot become midwives) .
  • Social station is relatively fluid for the Su'ndari people, and while it is harder to rise if one starts of at societies lows it is still very much possible.
  • Family is the primary and most important unit to the Su'ndari people to such an extent that House Membership imparts a degree of legal protection and rights that those without a House lack. Those without a house are not considered citizens until they - through adoption or creation of a house of their own, gain membership to a House.
  • Each House is lead by a Matriarch and Patriarch which are elected amongst the house's membership to lead the House and only may do so as long as they maintain support of the household. Matriarchs and Patriarchs can only be selected from the household's legitimate members (for more information on legitimacy, please see the wiki or +Theme).
  • The colony is governed by a council made up of the Matriarchs and Patriarchs of each house as well as two representatives for the temple and any elders (citizens over 45 years of age)
  • There is a single religion which is represented as a single temple that employs both men and women. The religion of the Su'ndari people focuses largely around the heavens and the 6 celestial bodies there, therefore priests are trained extensively in astrology. The temples are also repositories for the collection of other knowledge and priests are oftentimes extremely well educated scholars.
  • Marriage is an important facet of Su'ndari life which tends to happen later rather than earlier in a characters lifetime. Each marriage is arranged by the Head of House not for love (although this can happen) but to ensure the continuation of bloodlines and the future strength of the House.