Final Version
Thankfully for the Su'undari, the revolutions and social turmoil of their past have been relegated to history. Hundreds of years of teetering on the edge of civil war brought all facets of society to a uneasy agreement. Once the monarchy that had birthed the empire lost its control, the people began searching for a government that would represent both the rich and the poor. A representative ruling council was devised that has maintained both glory and peace to the present. While plenty of faults can be attributed to them, the outcome cannot be disputed. There has been no significant uprising against the government since their inauguration.
A intricate bureaucracy surrounds the Central Su'ndi Council's rule. While not directly elected, the people appoint magistrates for each faction that then vote upon individuals whenever a seat becomes open. Once a council member is appointed, they may hold the position for the remainder of their lives. Only a majority vote of impeachment amongst the Central Council can remove a Central Council member. The magistrates and governors who serve under them hold a good deal of power in the day to day dealings of government. Each high ranking official acts as a extension of their will, but remain accountable for their actions should they stray from their service. For this reason it is actually the magistrates who write the laws. A vote amongst the Central Council may veto any new law, but that is their only influence on the laws themselves. Their responsibilities are only decisions with heavy implications and the preservation of society and culture.
Once a person joins the Central Council, they are kept in relative seclusion. This is to prevent bribery, loss of focus, corruption, and security. It is likely because of this practice that many myths have been created about them. Claims of miraculous powers and abilities follow them, some even believe once a person is inducted they become permanently disfigured by the gods. Their effective reign only lends credit to these beliefs since surely anyone who can keep the Su'undari united must be blessed by the gods.
In addition to the Central Su'ndari council each province has its own council of elders. This council is made up of the patriarch and matriarch of each recognised provincial House along with House members over a certain age with a single Governor voted into the position by the Council of Elders itself. This governor must be approved by the Su'ndi Council and once approved remains in position until the Su'ndi council agrees to remove them. It is rare for the Su'ndi council to refuse a provincial governor when chosen by the council but it is not unknown. The provincial governor then becomes the central figure for government business to be conducted through. The Governor is responsible for fielding questions to the Council of Elders so that they may be voted upon. The Governor himself cannot vote and he (or she) gives up the right to be a Patriarch or Matriarch upon taking the position. Kaffoa has a slightly different arrangement with a seperate Woman's council for the Matriarchs which votes upon womens issues only.
The Council of Elders is responsible for judging all crimes although they will generally give the power to judge non-House members (and thus non-citizens) to one or more Justices and for making all decisions specific to the Province itself. The Su'ndi council retains the right to make rules and laws that effect the entire Empire but each Province has rules and laws of its own.